
How to use the book as a textbook

Within a classroom setting, the book can serve as:
- a textbook for students
- a source of general information on big history for teachers and others who are teaching any big history course or, in fact, any history course
- background information for guest teachers of a big history course.
For using it as a students' textbook, it may be helpful to consult the course modelslearning goals and objectives, and examination models pages on this web site, which provide more detailed guidelines for how to use the book as a textbook.
Background information on big history
Teachers may want to supplement the overview of big history and general model offered by the textbook with additional information on the history and context of academic discoveries. There are a great many books, articles, and online videos available telling these exciting stories.
Excellent written sources on the history of discoveries include:
- Bill Bryson: A Short History of Nearly Everything (2003)
- Marcia Bartusiak: The Day We Found the Universe (2010)
- Walter Alvarez: T. rex and the Crater of Doom (2008)
- Charles Darwin: On the origin of species (great many editions)
Classic accounts of scientific adventures include:
- Alexander von Humboldt: Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent (Penguin, abridged, 2006)
- Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle (Penguin, abridged, 1989)
Video web sites on big history include:
- Cosmic Evolution
- Big History Project
- Crash course big history
- Crash course world history
There are a great many more fascinating videos online, and a quick search on video web sites will yield amazing results.
International Big History Association
Un. of Amsterdam big history
Cosmic Evolution
Big History Project
Book: Teaching Big History
Bill Bryson: Short History of Nearly Everything
Other useful stuff on the web
Other big history
How to use the book
Course models
Learning goals and objectives
Teaching tools
Assignments (little big histories)
Answers to FAQs by students
Questions by students and teachers that go beyond the book
Examination models
Teaching big history